Thursday 17 September 2009

musicandmuffins Kate Nash. Nicest Thing

I love this song although it is very sad, i might want to produce something slightly happier!
The bits which are my favourite are;

- type of writing at the beginning and end and the way it says the song, CD and production
- 0.35 the bee and the bbuuzzz lettering
- 0.56 the black outlined rainbow
- 1.18 the way the to drawn earths turn round
- 3.21 the reflections of the stick women and men, gives a sense of lighting

I particular love the movement of the earths turning round and this is something i want to bring into my stop motion music video, more movement that the majority of the musicandmuffins videos.

Kate Nash Foundations Music Video
I have looked at one of Kate Nash's official music videos as I am considering producing a stop motion for one of her songs. This video has stop motion in it although the majority of it is just normally filming. I love the blend of stop motion animation with another aspect of film even though i do not want to include average filming i don't believe. The stop motion doesn't seem to be so significant at the beginning although as the film processes you can see that these clips are in fact very important it the story of the song.
- 0.50 dinosaurs turning around
- 1.11 a blue and white sock come together, and later separate, i may try this idea of using random items i particular like the movement of the material
- 2.00 tooth brushes come together
- 2.48 watches come together then almost immediately separate then you back to the other items which separate then she packs a bag and leaves him. This is effective and i feel if i make anything like this i will be extremely happy.