Friday, 26 February 2010

post modern music

Karlheiz Stockhausen -composer
'helicopter string quartet'
each helicopter has four musicians played recorded in the air.
This is a very different way of presenting music, 1 man in each helicopter.

- attaching sound
- like the helicopter
- noise not music
- technology - headphones to other string Corette man.
- video - see it helps it make sense
- was the helicopter apart of the noise/music
- piece of music with helicopter = noise
- metronomic, repeated helicopter sound
- ironic different classical thing, 4 people simple idea, helicopter difficult
- challenges stereotypes of presentation of classical music


- fragmentation's and discontinuities - awful parts
- some sounds come together ok
- painful
- Beatles sound
- breaks conventions to classical music
- unexpected
- unpredictable
- electicismn loads of different music instruments
- intense no relaxing

Alvin Lucier
'I am Sitting in a Room'

- not music at the beginning but develops into a sound you could hear on a electronic track
- a speech

Busy Signal
pon di edge

- interesting
- girls objects, sexual things - moral and social issues
- technology effect robotic
- very exspliated meaning

A question to ask about the above texts is how do you define the difference between music and sound?